Wildflower Descriptions & Natural History
Spring Beauty | Dwarf Ginseng | Mayflower – Trailing Arbutus | Jack-in-the-Pulpit |
Painted Trillium | Hepatica | Toothwort | Fringed Phacelia |
Purple Trillium | Northern White Violet | Wood Anemone | Trout Lily |
White Trillium | Northern Blue Violet | Common Blue Violet | Bloodroot |
Toad Trillium | Mayapple | Round-leaved Yellow Violet | White Baneberry |
Foamflower | Canadian White Violet | Flower | Flower |
Flower | Flower | Flower | Flower |
Flower | Flower | Flower | Flower |
Wildflower Descriptions written by Nancy Condon,
Tom Condon (co-author Wildflowers of the Smokies),

or Janet Forkner
Photos by Tom Condon unless otherwise noted