
Phenology is the study of the timing and changes of the season.
You can keep a record on your Phenology Charts and return to Nancy Condon or “email Tom Condon“with any sightings which will be posted here or you can use our new
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2024 Observations
Date | Location | Observation | Comments |
2/20/24 | Springfield, MA | Robins in groups | |
3/2/24 | General Knox Road, Russell, MA | Snowdrops in bloom Last ice gone on Russell Pond | |
3/23/24 | Mill Pond, Springfield | Common Mergansers pair | |
3/25/24 | Hampden, MA | Pair of Hawks | |
4/12/24 | West Suffield Wildlife Reserve, West Suffield, CT | Northern Towhee | |
4/20/24 | Sanderson Brook Falls, Chester, MA | Purple Trillium Wild Ginger Round Leaf Violet Dutchman’s Britches Squirrel Corn | |
4/21/24 | Sofinowski Preserve, Southwick, MA | Purple Trillium Celandine Poppy Wood Anemone Azure Bluets Common Ramping-fumitory | |
4/23/24 | Mill Pond, Springfield | Egret | |
4/27/28 | Knightsville Dam, Huntington, MA | Purple Trillium Bloodroot Wild Oats wood Anemone | |
4/28/24 | Upper Spectacle Pond, Otis | American Fly-Honeysuckle Periwinkle Purple Trillium | |
4/30/24 | Sanderson Brook Falls, Chester | Rose twisted-stalk Toothwort Foamflower Jack-in-the-Pulpit Hobblebush Dutchman’s Britches Squirrel Corn Purple Trillium Round-leaf Violet Wild Ginger Small-flowered Buttercup Red berried Elder Wood Anemone | |
5/1/24 | West Suffield Wildlife Refuge | Common Yellowthroat | |
5/4/24 | Knightsville Dam Road, Huntington | Black-throated Blue Warbler Black & White Warbler American Redstart Rose-breasted Grosbeak Yellow Warbler Serviceberry Small-flowered Buttercup Jack-in-the-Pulpit Ground-ivy Wild Strawberry Toothwort Wood Anemone Purple Trillium Garlic Mustard Squirrel Corn Wild Oats Sessile Bellwort Common Blue Violet Labrador Violet | |
5/5/24 | West Suffield Wildlife Refuge | Prairie Warbler | |
5/6/24 | West Suffield Wildlife Refuge | Bobolink | |
5/7/24 | West Suffield Wildlife Refuge | Eastern Kingbird | |
5/8/24 | Russell Watershed, Pine Hill Road, Russell | Blue-headed Vireo Wood Thrush Oenbird Scarlet Tanager Blackburnian Warbler Red-eyed Vireo Pine Warbler American RedStart Black & White Warbler | |
5/9/24 | West Suffield Wildlife Refuge | Brown Thrasher | |
5/11/24 | Bob’s Way, Monterey | Red-eyed Vireo Eastern Pheobe Scarlet Tanager Blue Jay Ovenbird Common Yellowthroat Foamflower Purple Trillium Painted Trillium Bluets Hobblebush Wild Oats | |
5/11/24 | Mill Pond, Old Acre Road, Springfield | Wild Turkey | |
5/12/24 | West Suffield Wildlife Refuge | Baltimore Oriole Indigo Bunting Gay Wings | |
5/16/24 | Upper Spectacle Pond, Otis | red eye vireo Black-throated Green Warbler Black-throated Blue Warbler Scarlet Tanager Great Crested Flycatcher Ovenbird Periwinkle Garlic Mustard Jack-in-the-Pulpit White Baneberry Small flowered buttercup Blue Bead Lily Round-leaved violet Sweet White Violet Foamflower |
2023 Observations
Date | Location | Observation | Comment |
4/22 | Knightsville Dam road | Purple Trillium in bloom | Natural History Link |
4/23 | General Knox Road, Russell | Small Leaf Rhododendron in bloom | |
4/23 | Sanderson Brook Falls | Rose Twisted Stalk Hobblebush Dutchman’s Britches Squirrel Corn Purple Trillium Black-throated Green Warbler | More Natural History Notes Listen to the Black-throated Green Warbler’s song |
5/3 | Sanderson Brook Falls | Wood Anemone Foamflower Dutchman’s Britches Squirrel Corn Purple Trillium Toothwort Jack-in-the-pulpit Sweet White Violet Dog Violet Wild Ginger Wild Oats Trout Lily Black-throated Green Warbler | |
5/6 | Bob’s Way, Monterey | Hobblebush Purple Trillium Sweet White Violet Round-leaved Violet Dog Violet Wild Oats Bluets | |
5/8 | West Suffield (CT) Wildlife Refuge | Brown Thrasher Eastern Towhee Chipping Sparrow Song Sparrow | |
5/13 | Bob’s Way, Monterey | Fading Flowers: Purple Trillium Hobblebush Flowers in Bud: Indian Cucumberroot Bluebead Lily Solomon’s Seal Canada Mayflower Flowers in Bloom: Painted Trillium Sweet White Violet Starflower Wild Oats Foamflower Bluets Birds: Ovenbird Black-throated Blue Warbler Veery Red-eyed Vireo Blackburnian Warbler Scarlet Tanager Black-capped Chickadee | More Natural History Notes |
5/14 | Knightsville Dam Road, Huntington | Flowers in Bloom: Golden Alexanders Toothwort Garlic Mustard Dog Violet Sweet White Violet Wild Strawberry Birds: Common Yellowthroat Yellow Warbler Louisiana Waterthrush Spotted Sandpiper Chestnut Sided Warbler American Redstart Baltimore Oriole American Goldfinch Warbling Vireo | ![]() American Redstart ![]() Baltimore Oriole in Belize this past February. He’s made the trip home. |
5/15 | West Suffield (CT) Wildlife Refuge | Indigo Bunting Common Yellowthroat Brown Thrasher Eastern Towhee | |
5/21 | Russell Watershed, Pine Hill Rd, Russell, MA | Wild Columbine White Baneberry Wild Sarsaparilla | |
2022 observations